Size Matters (working title)

(in development for premiere in early 2026, in-person)

Size Matters is Iriguchi’s new project that explores the intimate relationship between puppets and their operators from two perspectives: ‘zoological scale/size’ and ‘parasitism/symbiosis’.

The initial development was supported by Manipulate Arts’ Creative Fund. The work-in-progress piece was presented as part of Snapshots, a scratch event of Manipulate Festival 2024. Also supported by Single End Collective and Edinburgh University uCreate.

Audience Feedback

“It kept the tension of interest from the beginning to the end”

“Loved the change in scale – the mask and puppets are stunning”

“Genius.I’d never considered the concept of time being different between small and large beings”

“The puppetry was a joy in itself. Beautifully crafted and the likeness worked to show to connection.”

“This was so weird and really peculiar. I absolutely loved it to bits.” 

“I just want to know what happens next. Just take me on a ride.” 

“The education on size and perspective was really valuable – more of this please and on the relationship between the characters.”

“Beckett – did not need to understand it – I loved it.” 

“Really thematically, philosophically profound – entertaining yet smart”

Creative Team 

Mamoru Iriguchi: Lead Artist and Performer
Fergus Dunnet: Mentor and Co-director
Julia Darrouy: Collaborative Artis and Performer
Greg Sinclair: Sound Designer
Gavin Pringle: Narrator and Operator