(2014, 20min, in-person)

GRAFT explores shifting landscape of body and space through displacement of body parts. With seven laptops placed on stage, Mamoru finds himself in the world that is sinking into the sea of coffee he has spilt in the previous night. Mamoru’s body parts get gradually sucked into the computer screens, leaving him conceptually invisible at the end.

Review extracts

“Toying with the boundaries in multimedia, using digital imageries both as a means of critiquing tired ideas and as a way of escaping them, Iriguchi is constantly physicalizing the digital.”

(Amelia Forsbrook, Exeunt Magazine ★ ★ ★ ★)

“Gradually, through ingenious interactions with the computers, Mamoru poetically abandons his body parts in the computer screens in order to become bodiless and explore the freedom of endless possibilities.”

(Sofia Moura, Theatre Fullstop)

“GRAFT... makes superbly clever use of eight laptops spread across the stage”

(Elke Wiebalck, Everything Theatre ★ ★ ★ ★)

Creative Team

Mamoru Iriguchi: Lead Artist and Performer

Nikki Tomlinson: Dramaturg

Selina Papoutseli: Dramaturg

Nao Nagai Technical Supervisor 

supported by The Place and Artsadmin

Past Presentations

The Place (London), pad (Mainz, Germany)