Projector / Conjector

(2011, 40min, in-person)

Boy is called Projector because a video projector’s attached to his head. Girl’s name is Conjector. A TV’s attached to her head. Boy meets girl on screen. They dance through screens.

A multimedia duet dance piece that playfully references dance and mechanics of theatre. A love story between a boy (projector attached to his head) and a girl (TV attached to her head). The two are moved by digitally generated moving image. Inspired by Swan Lake and Star Wars.

Review Extracts

"... the designer-performer Mamoru Iriguchi’s funny, inventively low-tech work certainly references the artform [dance]. It is a charmingly deadpan duet about outer-space oddities and tragic inner desires, and features a bloody lake of swans." Donald Hutera, The Times (included in Edinburgh Festival Choices)

"Projector/Conjector is a love story too, but not like any other... a bonkers story emerges ... as well as being absurdly hilarious, it's also very sweet. One of the most imaginative things you'll see this season." Lyndsey Winship (dance editor for Time Out)

"This is likely to be one of the oddest, funniest and sweetest shows at the festival this year... There’s also a lot of science and cultural theory bubbling under the surface, from parthenogenesis to the role of fairy tales in society. But it’s woven seamlessly into the bonkers aesthetic of this clever and uplifting slice of joyful weirdness." Tom Wicker, Exeunt Magazine

"It's undeniable this is one of the warmest and funniest shows at the festival this year also happens to be one of the oddest. The two performers, Conjector (Mamoru Iriguchi) and Projector (Selina Papoutseli), manage to create a blissfully wonderful world with that has its own unique language that explores theatre, space, colour and movement in a whole new way." Wole Soyinka, The New Current

"...Projector/ Conjector is an original piece of multimedia theatre that constantly amazes and never gets tired. The imagery is bold and the use of technology and media feels fresh and exciting." Steven Fraser, Broadway Baby

"...Iriguchi is exploring questions of how we define dance and theatre and is doing it in an entertaining and remarkably sophisticated way, despite the ludicrous nature of the piece. But its humour is also its strongest argument: it is poking fun at the prestigious form of dance theatre. is quite unlike anything I’ve seen before." Edward Wren, Total Theatre

Creative Team

Mamoru Iriguchi: Lead Artist and Performer

Selina Papoutseli: Performer

Nikki Tomlinson: Outside Eye 

Supported by Camden People's Theatre, Artsadmin, The Place, Summerhall 

photo: Robert Day

Past Presentations

2014: Spring Loaded (The Place, London), Zürich Tanzt (Tanzhaus, Zurich, Switzerland), Bornholm Festival (Bornholm, Denmark), Aerowaves Spring Forward(Norrlandsoperan, Umiå, Sweden),  Colchester Arts Centre (Colchester), Mousonturm (Frankfurt, Germany)

2013: Summerhall(Edinburgh Festival Fringe), Toynbee Studios(London)

2012: Experimentica(Chapter, Cardiff), You & Your Work 9(Arnolfini, Bristol)

Hatch(Nottingham Playhouse, Nottingham), Pulse(New Wolsey Studio, Ipswich)


The Basement(Brighton), Phoenix(Exeter), SHOW TiME(Riverside Studios, London)

International Performance Festival(pad,Mainz,Germany), Sprint(Camden Peoples Theatre, London), Resolution(The Place, London)