(2017, 50min 6yrs+, in-person)

What if your food started talking back? Meet Lionel the lion. He’s just eaten a human called Mamoru for lunch. Being very hungry, Lionel hasn’t chewed his food, so Mamoru is still alive and very well in his stomach, and now wants to say hello. A strange friendship between the eater and the eaten starts to grow. Meanwhile, Lionel’s breakfast wants to say hello... from his bottom!

Eaten invites children and grown-ups to the fascinating world of the food web. Eaten asks, what should we eat? And who should eat us?!

Review Extracts

"SCIENTIFIC fact meets humorous invention when Mamoru Iriguchi invites audiences to delve into the belly of the beast and discover what it means to be Eaten." (★★★★, Mary Brennan, The Herald: Full review)

"... Iriguchi’s straight-faced wit and his ability to combine childlike innocence and DIY sophistication, and what you get is an educational conceptualist entertainment for ages six and up that plays with the notion “you are what you eat” (★★★★, Donald Hutera, The Times, Full review)

"...the inventiveness and revelling...shows a willingness to take risks that pays off. The relationship between food, death and life might be vital, but is often a taboo subject. This a peculiarly transgressive piece that will please those of any age who appreciate the truly bizarre." (★★★★, Thom Dibdin, The Stage, Full review)

"...‘Eaten’ explores complicated ideas about the food chain and the conflicting emotions that come with being animal-loving omnivores. Iriguchi’s creation is unpretentiously intelligent, warm, and as honest as it is silly." (★★★★★, Stephanie Stapleton, ThreeWeeks: Full review)

"Lionel... and Mamoru teach children and grown-ups all about why it is important to pay attention to what you eat. They welcome you into the surprisingly charming world of food chains." (★★★★★, Blair Simmons, Broadway Baby, Full review)

Creative Team 

Mamoru Iriguchi: Lead Artist and Performer

Ivor MacAskill: Co-director

Suzi Cunningham: Performer

Nikki Tomlinson: Outside eye

Selina Papoutsueli: Dramaturg

Alison Brown: Costume supervision

Gavin Pringle: Assistant director and Operator

Mhari Robinson (Independent Arts Projects): Producer (Scottish Tour) 

Wendy Niblock: PR & Marketing (Scottish Tour) 

photo: Manuel Vason video: Geraldine Heaney 

Past Presentations 

Summerhall (Edinburgh Festival Fringe), Palestine International Theatre Festival for Children and Youth, Istanbul Comedy Festival, Scottish Tour (Creative Scotland Touring Fund), SPILL Festival (Ipswich), The Sick of Fringe (London), Attenborough Arts Centre (Leicester), Cambridge Junction, Pitlochry Festival Theatre, RISE Festival (Findhorn), Take Me Somewhere (Platform, Glasgow), Puppet Animation Tour (Puppet Animation Scotland)