(2014, 55min, in-person)

In PAINKILLERS, Mamoru explores physical pain, obesity and body image through a series of magic tricks. As a magician’s assistant sporting a vast knitted fatsuit, (s)he is at the mercy of knives, saws and guns, conjuring scenes from backstage, onstage and everywhere in between.

Review Extracts + Audience Feedback 

“There is so much wily humour and visual wit in Painkillers. ... Iriguchi is an incarnation of what is raw, visceral and unprotected about the selves we harbour behind clothes, relationships, even the names we assume – and behind the actions we take to dull the pain when society sends us bullets we can't magically catch, let alone dodge.” (Mary Brennan, The Herald)

“Mamoru Iriguchi's Painkillers. Plenty offbeat charm as (s)he(!) treats a booty loada themes: showbiz magic / gendermetamorphosis /penetration / death”

Donald Hutera (Dance writer, Tweet review)

“you have another hugely distinct, delirious and very enjoyable show on your hands!” (audience member)

'fantastical' tho' it may appear, it feels an honest work and leaves one with a real sense of you” (audience member)

Creative Team

Mamoru Iriguchi: Lead Artist and Performer

Nikki Tomlinson: Dramaturg

Selina Papoutseli: Dramaturg

Susanne Zaun: Dramaturg

Philipp Schulte: Dramaturg

Heather Uprichard: Voiceover

Maria Garcia, Yao Liao: Costume Supervision

Gavin Pringle: Operator 

Commissined by The Yard for N.O.W. 14 | Supported by Arts Council England, National Theatre Studio, Chelsea Theatre, The Yard, Artsadmin

photo: Jemima Yong

Past Presentations

The Yard (London), Mousonturm (Frankfurt, Germany), BuzzCut(Glasgow), Dello Scompigilio (Vorno, Italy)