One Man Show

(2012, 25min, in-person)

One Man Show playfully depicts unique theatrical experiences. What starts as a one man show turns out to be a colourful ensemble as the result of real-time mutual communication between patrons, the performer and his doppelgängers.

Review Extracts

"Mamoru Iriguchi relied heavily on technology to create his One Man Show which took the breach of the fourth wall into a new dimension by creating an on-stage relationship of thoughts between the performer and four imagined members of his audience represented by “living” panels on the stage.” Graham Watts (DanceTabs)

“Up first was Mamoru Iriguchi’s One Man Show, which playfully explored the idea that with the audience’s differing perspectives, the piece of work can vary hugely... What shone through were the cliché qualities, which seemed intentional, and made me wonder about the real ramifications of a situation where the performer had a direct connection to my thoughts during their performance.”   Erin Johnson (One Stop Arts)

Creative Team

Mamoru Iriguchi: Lead Artist and Performer

Nikki Tomlinson: Dramaturg

Selina Papoutseli: Dramaturg

Maria Garcia: Costume co-designer & supervisior

Nao Nagai: Technical Supervisior

Commissioned by The Place (London) for The Place Prize | Supported by National Theatre Studio, The Place, Artsadmin

photo: Benedict Johnson

Past Presentations

The Place (London), Chapter (Cardiff)